The diachrony of flagging (Cas et adpositions en diachronie)

The diachrony of flagging (Cas et adpositions en diachronie)

Paris, 5-6 September 2024
(organization Gilles Authier, EPHE, PSL)
Colloque soutenu par l’EPHE et la Fondation Hugot du Collège de France

The joint diachronic study adpositions and cases is justified by the observation that the latter are most often derived from the former, and both types form a continuum under cover terms such as ‘dependent marking’ (Nichols 1986, 1992) or ‘flagging’ (Haspelmath 2013, 2019).
The goal of the workshop is to confront views on the grammaticalisation of dependant markers or ‘flags’ and the evolution of linguistic systems from specialists working first-hand on the historical grammar of lesser studied languages and the reconstruction of protolanguages.
Contributions will address (among others) the following topics:

  • historical typology of languages and linguistic families from the point of view of dependent marking;
  • lexical sources of adpositions and cases in individual languages/language families (grammaticalisation of relational nouns in adpositions, clitics and bound cases);
  • non-nominal origins for adpositions and cases;
  • historical studies on the distribution of cases and adpositions;
  • lexical (semantic, phonological or arbitrary) restrictions in the distribution of cases and adpositions;
  • family-internal or areal cross-linguistic analyses of the distribution of cases and adpositions;
  • diachronic stability of cases and adpositions within individual languages and families;
  • loss of cases and adpositions;
  • the role of contact and areal convergence in the evolution of dependent marking systems.


jeudi 5 septembre

Fondation Hugot, 11 rue de l’Université, Paris 7ème
9h Peter K. Austin (SOAS) Flagging and diachrony in Pama-Nyungan languages, Australia
09h40 Anna Bugaeva (Univ. of Science Tokyo) When case is not the case: A case of Ainu, a head-marking language of the Pacific Rim
10h20 Sebastian Fedden (Paris III) Diachrony of case and adpositional marking in Mountain Ok languages
11h Pause café
11h30 Christian Döhler (Ac. Sc. Berlin) A synchronic and diachronic view on animacy in the Tonda subgroup of the Yam language family in Southern New Guinea
12h10 Nina Sumbatova (Institute of linguistics, RAS) Directional markers across Dargwa
12h50 Jesse Wichers Schreur (Univ. Leiden) The case system of Nakh languages, diachrony and external comparison
13h30 Déjeuner
14h30 Michael Daniel (DDL, Lyon) & Elena Shvedova (HSE, Moscow) Experiential marking in East Caucasian: from space to perception
15h10 Oleg Belyaev (RAN) The renewal of the case system in Ossetic
15h50 Pause café
16h20 Martin Haspelmath (MPI, Leipzig) How clitic flags become affix flags: The role of word order
17h Sonia Cristofaro (Univ. Paris IV) The diachronic emergence of accusative alignment cross-linguistically
20h Dinner (tba)

vendredi 6 septembre

Fondation Hugot, 11 rue de l’Université, Paris 7ème
9h Marianne Mithun (Santa Barbara) Parallel Layered Diachrony in Dependent Marking
09h40 Andrey Nikulin (Univ. Goias) Adpositions in Macro-Jê: a panoramic view
10h20 Fedor Rozhanskiy (University of Tartu) Case systems of minor Finnic languages: why do they change?
11h Pause café
11h30 Vladimir Plungian (Institute of Linguistics / RAS, Moscow) Cases and postpositions in Dardic: Khowar and beyond
12h10 Robin Meyer (Univ. Lausanne) Case stacking in Classical Armenian: an areal phenomenon?
12h50 Brian Joseph (Ohio State Univ.) Flagging and grammaticalization : Some perspectives from the Balkans and from Indo-European
13h30 Déjeuner
14h30 Kirill Kozhanov (Univ. Potsdam) Diachrony of flagging in Romani (with reference to related Indo-Aryan)
15h10 Ranko Matasović (University of Zagreb) The development of complex prepositions in Slavic
15h50 Pause café
16h20 Romain Garnier (Univ. Limoges) The Origin of Comitative Case in Tocharian A
17h Daniel Petit (ENS/EPHE) Heterogeneous prepositions in Latvian

Publié dans : Espace turc et caucasien, Événements

22 novembre 2023